Name: Hyde
Birthday: January 29,1969
Birthplace: Wakayama, Osaka
Height: 159cm - 163cm
Favorite Instrument: Guitar
Hobbies: Collecting Blue Glass products,
sketching, Reading scary novels,
writing poems.
Favorite Food: Curry Rice
Favorite Subject: Art
Star Sign: Aquarius
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Hyde's colorblind?
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Kagen no Tsuki/ Last Quarter
Hyde's movie is the most amaising movie i have
ever seen... I just finished watching it and I believe it is now my favorite movies.
Every 19 years, during "Kagen no Tsuki", or Last Quarter of the Moon, a miracle is set to happen and a romance is set to brew.
Muzuki (Kuriyama) breaks up with her boyfriend Tomoki on her 19th birthday. Muzuki, feeling lonely and having nowhere to go,
suddenly hears a familiar guitar melody. She followed the sound to an old house, where she meets Adam. They fall in love and
vowed to meet a week later. However, on a night of the last quarter of the moon, Muzuki was run over by a car. She awakes
to find herself in the old house, but she cannot leave it. She is still alive, lying in a coma, but existing as a ghost in
the house...